Monthly Archives: December 2019

Ep. #15 – Les Initiatives FinTech À L’Autorité Des Marchés Financiers, Québec (FRE)

Dans ce podcast, Ilana Singer, présidente du conseil consultatif des valeurs mobilières du Toronto Centre, discute avec Lise Estelle Brault, la directrice principale de Fintech, de l’innovation et de l’encadrement des dérivés, l’Autorité des marchés financiers au Québec, Canada pour explorer et comprendre les nouvelles technologies dans les marchés financiers, et pour aider les compagnies fintech à se conformer à la règlementation des valeurs mobilières au Québec. Elles discutent de la manière dont l’expérience de l’AMF peut être appliquée aux marchés émergents et aux pays en développement.

Ep. #15 – FinTech Initiatives at the Autorité Des Marchés Financiers, Quebec (ENG)

In this podcast, Ilana Singer, Chair of the Toronto Centre Securities Advisory Board, speaks with Lise Estelle Brault, the Senior Director of FinTech, Innovation and Derivatives at the Autorité des Marchés Financiers (AMF) in Quebec, Canada. They discuss the AMF’s initiative to explore and understand new technologies in the market and to assist startup firms in complying with securities regulation in Quebec. They discuss how AMF’s experience can be applied to emerging markets and developing countries.

Ep. #14 – Securities and Capital Markets Regulation and Supervision in South Africa

In this podcast, Bert Chanetsa, Toronto Centre Program Leader, former securities and capital markets regulator, and former member of IOSCO, discusses key themes from his recently published book titled ‘Securities and Capital Markets Regulation in South Africa – A Contemporary View’. He shares his view of securities and capital markets regulation and supervision in South Africa and the context and motivation for the significant reforms underway.