Monthly Archives: October 2021

Ep.#75 – Acciones de Supervisión en Respuesta al Cambio Climático en América Latina

En este Podcast del Toronto Centre, Mariana Escobar, Jefe de Finanzas Sostenibles de la Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia (SFC), y Juan P. Arango, Director de Programa del Toronto Centre, conversan y discuten sobre las acciones de supervisión que, en respuesta al cambio climático, ha adelantado la SFC en temas tales como regulación, revelación de información y la cuantificación de los efectos del cambio climático sobre el sistema financiero.


Mariana Escobar – Head of Sustainable Finance at the Superintendencia Financiera de Columbia

Hosted By:

Juan Pablo Arango – Program Director, Toronto Centre

Ep. #74 – Back In Action – Tips For Creating a Positive Workplace Environment

Many industries have reopened their doors to welcome employees back into the workplace. While this might bring great relief and even excitement for some individuals, it also may stir some feelings of fear and resistance in others. It’s important to realize that all reactions are completely normal and to be expected.

This podcast provides tips for leaders, including financial regulators and supervisors, to help their employees not only to survive but to thrive as they adapt to the workplace.


Marianne Jurney – LCSW, CEAP EAP Counselor & Incident Manager Workplace Options

Hosted By:

Shelina Visram – Program Director, Toronto Centre

Ep. #73 – Building Back Better – Central Banking and Supervision in the Fast-evolving Digital Era

Central Banking and Supervision in the Fast-evolving Digital Era


Cecilia Skingsley – First Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Sweden

Juan Pablo Graf Noriega – President, National Banking and Securities

Moderated By: Babak Abbaszadeh