Monthly Archives: June 2020

Ep. #39 – Post-COVID-19 Crisis: Implications for Financial Stability, Financial Inclusion, Gender Equality, and International Development

Part of the New Normal series. This episode features The Honourable Sri Mulyani, Minister of Finance, Indonesia, and Carmen Reinhart, Vice President and Chief Economist, World Bank Group. The discussion is moderated by Susanna Moorehead, Chair, OECD’s Development Assistance Committee.

Ep. #38 – Climate Risks to the Financial System

Anatol Monid, Toronto Centre Program Director, and Dr. Dianne Saxe, former Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, discuss the risks to the financial system posed by a climate emergency and the importance that disclosure regimes and divestiture actions have for financial institutions and their supervisors.

Ep. #37 – Securities Regulation: Risks and Approaches to the New Normal

In this podcast, Jean Lorrain, Chair of Toronto Centre’s Securities Advisory Board, discusses the implications of COVID-19 and climate risk for securities regulators, the usefulness of international standards, and “staying the course” in the new normal.

Ep. #37 – Réglementation des valeurs mobilières: Risques et approches de la nouvelle norme

Dans ce podcast, Jean Lorrain, président du Conseil consultatif sur les valeurs mobilières du Toronto Centre, discute des répercussions de la COVID-19 et du risque climatique pour les organismes de réglementation des valeurs mobilières, de l’utilité des normes internationales et comment maintenir le cap dans la nouvelle normalité.

Ep. #36 – Climate Change and Extreme Weather Risks

Anatol Monid, Program Director at Toronto Centre, and Dr. Blair Feltmate, Head of the Intact Centre on Climate Adaptation, discuss the risks to the financial system posed by climate change and extreme weather risks, matters about which financial services supervisors and regulators should be concerned.

Ep. #35 – Climate Risks to the Financial System: Lessons from the Pandemic

Anatol Monid, Toronto Centre Program Director, sits down with Dr. Naresh Singh, Special Advisor Sustainability at Toronto Centre, to discuss the risks to the financial system posed by climate change and what supervisors can learn from the COVID-19 pandemic to better address climate change disruptions.