Monthly Archives: April 2022

Ep. #93 – Resilience to Cyber Threats in The Financial Sector

Cyber threats and incidents are a growing concern, posing risks to the safety and stability of the financial system. Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, these risks have heightened. Remote working and increased use of financial services over digital channels have opened more points of banking system access to malicious actors. This panel discussed the importance of cybersecurity and discuss how financial institutions can improve their resilience to cyber threats and incidents. It discussed the role the policymakers, supervisors and regulators can play. Read the biographies here. Read the transcript here.

Ep. #92 – Blended Finance and Climate Adaptation Considerations for Financial Supervisors

This podcast addresses some key topics to encourage leaders, including financial supervisors and regulators, to consider blended finance as a vehicle to support the fight against the worst effects of climate change. It covers examples of blended finance projects in developing and emerging economies, implications for supervisors and regulators, the role of blended finance in just climate financing, and the constraints and ways to increase blended finance. Read the biographies here. Read the transcript here.