Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ep. #71 – Securities Regulators – Following the Pandemic and New IOSCO Workplan

In this podcast, Jean-Paul Servais, Chair of the Belgian FSMA and Vice-Chair of the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) discusses the aftermath of the pandemic and what regulators should expect to face and should concentrate on. It was also an opportunity to discuss the 2021-22 IOSCO workplan and, most especially, its position and work on climate.


Dans ce Podcast, le président de la FSMA de Belgique ainsi que le vice-président de l’Organisation internationale des commissions de valeurs (OICV), Monsieur Jean-Paul Servais discutera des effets de la pandémie sur les régulateurs ainsi que sur les sujets sur lesquels ils devront se concentrer. Il sera également question du plan d’action 2021-22 de l’OICV et particulièrement de la position et les récents travaux de l’Organisation concernant la question du climat.




Jean-Paul Servais – Chairman, Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA); Vice Chair, IOSCO


Hosted By:

Jean Lorrain – Chair, Securities Advisory Board, Toronto Centre

Ep. #70 – Climate Risk Scenarios – A Method to Assess and Manage Plausible Risks and Opportunities for the Financial Sector

In this Toronto Centre Podcast, Dr. Olaf Weber, Professor at the School of Environment, Enterprise and Development (SEED) at the University of Waterloo, and Shelina Visram, Toronto Centre Program Director, discuss how financial supervisors and regulators can use scenarios as part of their financial supervisory tools to manage risks and opportunities of climate change.



Dr. Olaf Weber – Professor, University of Waterloo



Hosted By:

Shelina Visram – Program Director, Toronto Centre

Ep. #69 – Building Back Better – Payment Systems, Supervision and Inclusion in the Digital Age

Payment Systems, Supervision and Inclusion in the Digital Age.


Tara Rice – Head of Secretariat, Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures

Dr. Reza Baqir – Governor, State Bank of Pakistan

Moderated by: Bill Coen

Ep. #67 – Principles Based Approach to Regulation

In this Toronto Centre podcast, former Securities Advisory Board Chair Ilana Singer interviews Antoinette Leung, the Head of Financial Institutions and Mortgage Brokerage Conduct at the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA). They discuss FSRA’s principles-based approach to regulation, as well as collaboration and cooperation among regulators.



Ilana Singer – Vice-President and Corporate Secretary, Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF)

Antoinette Leung – Head of Financial Institutions and Mortgage Brokerage Conduct, Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA)

Ep. #66 – Perspectives on How Regulators Use Sex-Disaggregated Data and RegTech to Enhance Financial Inclusion

The authors of TC’s recent report share the perspectives and insights they have gained from the research and analysis they conducted. They share their views and recommendations about the role regulators and RegTech can play to expand financial inclusion of women.

Ep. #65 – Building Back Better Webinar 4

How can central bankers and supervisors support green finance and manage risks?


Dr. Sabine Mauderer – Member of the Executive Board, Deutsche Bundesbank

Alejandro Díaz de Léon-Carrillo – Governor, Central Bank of Mexico

Moderated by: Babak Abbaszadeh

Ep. #64 – Building Back Better Webinar 3

How can central bankers and supervisors support their national climate change strategies?


Tomás Soley – Superintendent, General Superintendence of Insurance of Costa Rica

Unnur Gunnarsdóttir – Deputy Governor, Central Bank of Iceland for Financial Supervision

Moderated by: Babak Abbaszadeh

Ep. #63 – Building Back Better Webinar 2

How can central bankers and supervisors sustain financial inclusion and stability in the digital age?


Irene Espinosa Cantellano – Deputy Governor, Banco de México

Ben Gully – Assistant Superintendent, Regulation Sector, Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI)

Moderated by: Babak Abbaszadeh

Ep. #62 – Building Back Better Webinar 1

How can central bankers and supervisors mitigate climate change risks to the financial system?


Kevin Stiroh, Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Nathalie Aufauvre, Director General, Financial Stability and Operations, Banque de France; Chair of the Banque de France Climate Change Centre

Moderated by: Babak Abbaszadeh